Monday, March 8, 2010

Fun with Fingerpaints

I am borrowing a great book called "Slow and Steady, Get me Ready" from a MOPs friend and thought today would be the perfect day to try out one of the ideas. There are sooooooooooooo many great developmental activities in this book and it is geared for kids birth to age 5. Fits my clan perfectly! I quickly flipped thru and came to finger painting. I thought that the boys would ALL love this so I got everything ready to go while they napped. I needed to make a pretty good amount of paint and have included the "natural" recipe below. I taped wax paper all over my kitchen table and gave everyone a chunk to work with.

As it turns out, Mason wanted nothing to do with this one. He woke up crabby and was over it before he gave it a chance, but I have PLENTY of paint leftover to give it another whirl with him when he feels like it. Really weird because he loves to finger paint. Whatever, the babes and I had a blast!

Brady (in blue) and Logan making a mess but having FUN!

Paint Recipe:
3 tablespoon sugar, 2 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup cornstarch (I used a bit more cs than this)

Cook ingredients on low heat until smooth and thick- after cooled, pour into jars and add food coloring. The GREAT thing about this is the fact that there is not a single ingredient that could be harmful if swallowed! My babies tasted it a few times while they were painting and I'm just fine with it!

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