We spent another fantastic day at
The Heard Natural Science Museum this weekend. The weather was glorious and the kids had a BLAST! Truth be told, Allen and I did too! Right now, the Heard is featuring the "Its a Bug's Life"
exhibit and my boys went WILD for
millipedes, snakes, spiders and everything creepy crawly. We took a hike (see start of the trail above) and I am happy to report that my sweet babies walked the entire way! Mas has no problem with the 2 mile
trek on
Sycamore Trail but that is quite the distance for 2 year old legs (this was our first attempt here with no stroller, wagon,
ect...). The boys all gathered their walking sticks and we let Mason lead the way. Of course he was fully prepared with his compass, binoculars, and whatever else he had stuffed in his vest. The trail was
beyond muddy from all of the rain last week so along the way we decided to name ourselves "Team
Muddyfoot." The boys thought this was so funny and even brought it up hours later at dinner. At one point, the trail was totally
flooded out and we LITERALLY had to toss the kids back and forth to
each other over a tree stump we carefully
balanced on. Not so easy with 2- 2 year
olds, a 4 year old, backpack, camera and slick-as-oil shoes. Logan was not thrilled about it but once we were all safe and sound on the other side he cheered and said "Do it again, Daddy??" It was a solid 2 hours of
exploration and non stop conversation with our kids- not another person in sight. It was heart warming to watch them explore deep into the woods and how animated they were over the things that I
don't even notice. I love moments like this with my children and they really make me want to take it all in!!!

The boys being silly while I got our lunch ready....

Wrangling 2 of the 3- per the norm.....

And now all 3 are in Mommy's custody.....

My sweet big boy Mason who insisted on telling us 4,623 times that
according to his compass- "There is no North...."


Logan posing

Mason and Brady

Did I mention how much they all LOVED the bugs??? Brady stole this from another kid- glad a fist fight didn't ensue....

Fossil finding Logan
We could NOT get Mas out of here. Really, thought we were going to have to leave him....
My crew- Team Cobbs... Did I mention- the loves of my life??? Another wonderful day with my family. So thankful for all of these amazing guys!
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