Thursday, May 13, 2010

Morning Chaos!

Mornings are crazy around here... Like clockwork, the kids all usually wake withing 10-15 minutes of each other. Since the twins share a room, one usually wakes the other one up. The babies are RAVENOUS when they wake. It pretty much goes- 'Hi Momma- dwink, dwink, dwink..." (means milk). I quickly change their diapers, bring them down to the kitchen and start the coffee before Big Brother Mason gets up.... My babies follow me all around the kitchen opening cabinets (yes, they are baby proofed, they can still get in now), pulling food out of the fridge and tugging at me while I'm trying to get breakfast together acting as if its been days since their last meal.... Mason, on the other hand needs some time in the morning before its even acceptable to hold a conversation with him. Like his Daddy, I would compare it to a bear coming out of hibernation.... A bit grumpy if you will. So I give him his space, let him veg and tend to the babes. About the time they finish, Mason wants to eat, so I then get him situated and try to keep the boys out of his hair so he can eat in peace. On this particular morning, everyone was SOOOOOOOOOOO happy, peaceful and calm. Little Bear Mason included... My hubs snapped a few pics of the boys....

The twins and I watching a Baby Einstein- they LOVE them (Mason could have cared less). I know I look a mess- no hair, no makeup, in my PJ's but whatever, the boys look picture perfect so I had to post!

Brady and Mason, having a snuggle and a tickle. I love when everyone is sweet to each other because it seems lately that I am more Referee than Mom...

1 comment:

  1. Melinda I love that photo! You are so very beautiful you do not need "hair or makeup". Most women could work hours and not look as beautiful as you do naturally. The boys are precious!
